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Roc des Anges, among the best estates in Roussillon.

Roc des Anges Marjorie et Stéphane GalletRVF (Revue des Vins de France) speaks best of ROC DES ANGES of Marjorie and Stephane Gallet: "stunning wines, a phenomenal rise". The estate is not yet known worldwide, and it is necessary to enjoy it as long as the wines are still affordable. Marjorie Gallet won his first letters of nobility by impressing the most specialized sommeliers (notably with the "Carignan 1903"): four of the ten "3 macarons michelin" restaurants in Paris already offer the Roc des Anges on their menu: Pierre Gagnaire , Le Pre Catelan, Ledoyen and Guy Savoy, to mention only the most illustrious. What a recognition!

A big advantage when an oenologist becomes an agronomist (vine grower): his/her wines will never have a technical defect! But the lack of fault, due to the science of the oenologist is only the first step towards the ultimate quality, that the winemaker aim to reach, from the vine (certified organic) to the bottle (high quality) through blends (of varietals, plots). You must "feel" the terroir, taste its grapes, in short, "be inspired" as Marjorie Gallet says when analyzing the characteristics of a vintage and deciding the appropriate blends. There is all her talent. Originally from Cote Rotie, she moved to Roc des Anges in 2001 (at the age of 23!) thanks to the financial participation of many friends. What a good intuition in the choice of this terroir (discovered during an internship at ... Gerard Gauby!) located in the north of French Catalonia!

Facing full north, a nice asset under these latitudes, the vines will produce fresh and fruity wines in spite of the strong heat of Roussillon. Their advanced age (65 years old on average), will allow naturally low yields (17 hl / ha on average), still an asset to achieve fine concentrated wines.

The soil of Roc des Anges is made of friable schists often vertically laminated. The roots therefore plunge easily in depth to compensate the dryness on the surface, to draw moisture and the mineral salts necessary for the production of a fine salty wine. The winemaker also helps this natural tendency: the plowing of the soil tears up the young roots tempted by a development on the surface and only survives those who plunge! As a result, the terroir expression is there. It is very important to Marjorie Gallet who, with Stephane since 2008, does not count her hours to pamper her many cuvees, especially at the sorting table during the harvest, where all the grapes pass under her ruthless hands.

Marjorie and Stephane Gallet also embarked on a new adventure in 2008: "Vin Doux Naturel" of appellation Maury, on their new vineyard of the Terres de Fagayra. The experience of Stephane as a winemaker at Mas Amiel, before joining his wife at Roc des Anges, allowed him to acquire a know-how that he sublimes thanks to the exceptional terroir of this new area. Already a great Maury, only a few years after installation.

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