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29.00 € / bouteille

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Sophie et Vincent Guizard, among the best Languedoc Terrasses du Larzac.

saint-sylvestre-sophie-vincent-guizardLocated in Puechabon, a small village north of Montpellier, Saint Sylvestre estate takes its name from the church around which it is located. Vincent Guizard and his wife Sophie settled on this domain of Languedoc in 2011. They cultivate 8 hectares of vines, in full heart of the name Terrasses du Larzac.

Vincent learned to cultivate the vine with his grandfather. "My grandfather taught me how to produce beautiful grapes. If the vine is fine, it will give beautiful fruit, it's like a person." He was then trained by the greatest winemakers of Languedoc: at the Mas Jullien for wine making and then as a partner of Frederic Pourtalie of Montcalmes for 7 years (from 2003 to 2010).
For Sophie, wine is also a family affair, because she was initiated into the vineyard by her grandfather and father. She then specialized in wine trade.

The 2011 vintage is the year of their first joint vinification: Vincent signs his 14th vintage and Sophie her 6th.

The particularity of the estate is to have 3 plots which are in the middle of the woods. Two of them are cleared of an exceptional terroir (the wood was cleared to implant vine).

Vincent and Sophie work with respect for the environment and practice sustainable agriculture, manual harvesting and low yields.

A young estate that is making a place next to the biggest names in Languedoc.

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