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Achillée, a young and organic estate in Alscace held by the Dietrich brothers

domaine-achilee-alsaceDietrich brothers are at the head of Achillee estate. They make high end Alsace wines, certified organic and biodynamic. Their wines are made from 7 Alsatian grape varieties, including Riesling, which makes up 100% of the "Hahnenberg" cuvée that we have selected. This young estate is already recognized by the professional guides: Bettane and Desseauve grants him its 1st star in 2019.

Achillee is located in Alsace, in Scherwiller. It covers 18 hectares, and is planted with 7 Alsatian grape varieties: Riesling, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Sylvaner, Muscat. The terroir is composed of gravelly, sandstone, clay and shale.

Yves Dietrich was a cooperator in Alsace. In 2016, he and his two sons, Pierre and Jean, decided to set up a joint project: create their own estate. All three complement each other perfectly and the roles are well distributed: Yves the Dad brings his great experience of the culture of the vine. Resulting from a training in viticulture and oenology, Jean is in charge of winemaking. As for Pierre, a graduate of a business school in Paris, he is in charge of sales.
Faithful to their ecological principles, they decided to build a completely natural bioclimatic chai made of straw. This keeps the temperature in the cellar all year round (around 13 degrees). It is also to this day the largest building made of straw in Europe.

The Dietrich have been practicing organic farming for 20 years and the estate has been biodynamic certified since 2003 (Demeter certification). Their goal is to have the least possible impact on the environment: they use as few inputs as possible and want their field to be as eco-friendly as possible. During our meeting, Pierre Dietrich explained to us the origin of the name of the domain: Achillee (pronounce akile, it comes from the Latin) is a flower used in biodynamics, which shares the rays of the sun equitably. It is in this egalitarian spirit that the domain is managed, including employees.

At the tasting, the wines are pure, mineral, straight. The Dietrich are very attached to the soil even in their labels, since these represent (not necessarily scrupulously) the different parcels.

Their wines are already served on the tables of great starred restaurants such as Prairial in Lyon and L'arpège in Paris.

Our wine selection by Achillee

  • Riesling Hahnenberg white
  • Riesling Eveil des Sens white
  • Riesling Scherwiller white
  • Cremant Blanc de Noirs brut

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