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Leflaive estate, among the best estate in Burgundy.

pierre-vincent-leflaiveLeflaive estate is a true myth in Burgundy since the beginning of the 20th century, when it realizes its own bottling in Puligny-Montrachet. At the beginning of 2004, the Leflaive family acquired five parcels of vines in Verze in Maconnais (Macon Verze appellation, south of Burgundy): just over 9 hectares planted exclusively in Chardonnay.

Since 2004, the vines have been grown in biodynamics. Beginning 2017 Pierre Vincent joined the estate as Director-General. Brice de la Morandiere (nephew of Anne-Claude Leflaive) remains partner-manager. Pierre Vincent holds a national oenologist diploma (DNO) and has mainly a wine and oenological mission.

The harvest is entirely manual, and pressing is carried out in Verze in the buildings purchased at the same time as the vines. The musts are then transported each day after decantation to the cellars of Domaine Leflaive in Puligny Montrachet for fermentation and breeding, under the watchful eye of the technical team of the field.

The winemaking takes place in vats, and the rearing period extends from 15 to 16 months. The resulting wine is a white wine of great purity, both floral and mineral, which gives off a lot of energy and vivacity.

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