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29.00 € / bouteille

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12.00 € / bouteille

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Domaine des Ardoisieres, flagship of the Savoy wines revival.

domaine-des-ardoisieres-brice-aumont-cevins-savoieDomaine des Ardoisieres was created by Michel Grisard in 1998 on Coteaux de Cevins. In 2003, he was joined by Brice Omont, agronomist. The two winemakers replanted many indigenous or widely used grape varieties in Savoy: jacquere, roussanne, altesse, mondeuse noire and mondeuse blanche, chardonnay, gamay, persan. These grape varieties give birth to the fine wines Schiste, Amethyste and Quartz.

The vines are cultivated biodynamically. The estate takes great care in the quality of the grapes, and winemaking, to produce pure wines, which are the most representative of the terroir.

The estate produces two red wines (Argile and Amethyste) and three white wines (Argile, Schiste and Quartz). The whites and reds meet a success that goes well beyond Savoy. Many star chefs offer them on the wine menu of their restaurant, and the guides give them well-deserved stars.

Thanks to all their work and the high quality of their wines, Domaine des Ardoisieres is today a flagship of the revival of Savoy wines.

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