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Château de Mérande - The Genoux family in the heart of Savoie

2 frères Genoux - André et Daniel - Château de MérandeIn the heart of Savoie, in the small commune of Arbin, the Genoux family has been involved in winegrowing for generations and mainly produces great Savoy wines for the local gastronomy.

Since 2001, the estate's cellars have been located at the Château de Mérande, a local architectural landmark. The family vineyard extends over 12 hectares (Mondeuse grape variety in the majority) where some vines are over 50 years old.

Since 2009, the Genoux estate has been certified by Ecocert and has since moved towards biodynamic farming. The brothers André and Daniel Genoux ensure that the cultivation of Château de Mérande is as natural as possible in order to respect the land and the environment, and cultivate their vines by always favouring quality over quantity.

The wine is therefore produced in limited quantities and expresses all the typicity and richness of its terroir which constitutes the Cru Arbin. Domaine Genoux produces natural wines, designed for gastronomy.

Our selection of Château de Mérande wines:

  • Château de Mérande Chignin Bergeron "Garance" dry white 2017

Why buy Château de Mérande wines?

Because we love them, and we believe that these wines have a perfect place in your cellar! But as some customers have told us, "we are not objective, since we have tasted and chosen them to sell: we are interested". This is why we prefer to "defend" our selection with the comments of major guides, more objective than us:

Guide RVF des meilleurs vins de France 2022: 1*/3. Attached to small yields and manual harvesting, the brothers André and Daniel Genoux took over the Château de Mérande buildings in 2001. This biodynamic estate, located in the Arbin cru, offers a wide range of wines from the surrounding slopes and glacial moraine. Mondeuse dominates the production, occupying two thirds of the vineyard area. Vinification is now carried out using indigenous yeasts and without sulphur, often in whole harvests.

Consult our selection of wines from Château de Mérande :

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