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29.00 € / bouteille

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12.00 € / bouteille

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Bruno Clair, among the best winemakers in Burgundy

The vineyards of the estate, entrusted in 1986 to Bruno Clair by his family, are great gems of Gevrey Chambertin, including Clos Saint Jacques, Clos de Beze and Cazetiers. The estate has also highlighted the unknown potential of the Marsannay terroirs, and has been enriched by inheritance of superb single vineyards of Bonnes-Mares.

A worthy heir to the know-how of his father and his grandfather, Bruno now ensures the cultivation, harvesting and bottling of all his delicious production, with the help of André Geoffroy and Philippe Brun.

Member of the Association of Domaines Familiaux de Tradition, Bruno Clair produces wines of great clarity and incredible elegance, anxious to pay homage to the classicism of Burgundy.The grapes are harvested manually over the entire estate and Bruno performs a rigorous sorting of the grape harvest to the vine.

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